Healing for the Soul

Heather Aroesty

With support allow yourself to dive deep into your own soul to free anything that is holding you back from living your fullest and best life.

Energetic Clearing and Healing

Allow yourself to be guided hand in hand in order to let go of all that holds you back. Open to the prana (life force energy) that will move through you creating a life of freedom.

Heather will gently guide and be with you every step of the way on the path to living your most beautiful life. Through her own journey, participating in energy and sound guidance, she personally witnessed the safe and real transformation of not only letting things go but truly understanding to the very core of who she was and why things were the way they were. If you struggle with pain, either mentally, physically or emotionally, this work allows you to safely release it all bit by bit.

Through conversation, the use of crystals, reiki (hands on clearing energy) and sound, together we will unlock those pieces of you that are weighing you down. As you step into the trust and experience you will be met with the true YOU as you awaken and LIVE from a place of compassion and presence!

Heather Aroesty

“Freedom is the oxygen
of the Soul”
– Moshe Dayan

“Every road you take that leads you back to yourself is worth the mileage”


Spiritual Guidance

Allow me as your guide as we travel together on your healing journey. I will hold space along side of you allowing you to open and receive and ultimately gain freedom to LIVE your best life.


  • Sound/Energy
    I’d love to facilitate a beautiful sound healing for your family or friends, any event that would allow healing guidance or support.
  • Private Yoga/Meditation/ Pranayama (Breath Practice)
    New to Yoga? Returning? Whatever your needs I would love to help you move your body for what’s best for YOU, and help you choose exactly what YOU need on your journey.
  • Mindfulness Practice
    If you are searching to live life from a more mindful place let me guide you through simple practices to allow you to open to the present moment. Heather trained under Jon Kabat Zins Mindfulness Training and practices Mindfulness daily.

Email Me Directly to Explore Options: YinandYangYogi@Gmail.com

Heather Aroesty

A Message of Love

It is truly an honor to walk beside you all. As an Empath and Highly Sensitive Person, it has taken my entire 50+ years to understand, grow and evolve. This work has taught me so much and I know now I was brought to this Earth to guide others to their greatest strengths and release what weighs them down.

I also have a huge open heart when it comes to guiding others through loss and the horrific challenges that Cancer places upon a person and family.

My greatest fear was death. My own and others. Through this amazing work I have opened to the BEAUTY of it all and hope to help you open to all the beauty as well.

Take my hand… I would feel blessed to walk beside you. XO




Each of our struggles is the disguise of a divine opportunity for us to learn, grow, and spiritually evolve… awaken the spirit within

What Our Clients Say...

“Having Heather as my yoga instructor has been a life changing experience. Not am I becoming healthier physically, I’m becoming healthier mentally. Her practices make you want more and being in Heathers presence is an honor.”

F. Kounouho

“My yoga practice has taken a positive path thru Heathers teachings. Heather promotes nourishing the body and mind. As I worked through a hip injury I was blessed with her expertise in modification so I could continue my practice. I am so appreciative to continue my practice with someone so genuine and caring as Heather.”


“Heather came into my life at a time that I didn’t even know I needed her. Her existence changed my perspective about my Self for the better. She encouraged me to grow, step out on faith and to kick fear in the face.”


“Heather is gentle and wise. I feel very accepted and comfortable in her presence and always at peace after I see her.”


“I’ve worked with Heather for about 5 years now and she has been a ray of light! She always seems to know what healing is needed and how best to treat it. She has so many amazing gifts that she shares with her students – from music, to breath work, powerful meditations, amazing yoga flows, and healing energies. I’m very grateful to have found Heather.
