The Mindful Life

“After 10 years of sitting for 30-60 minutes a day in meditation it was the practice of mindfulness meditation that finally allowed for the breakthrough that I had been searching so desperately. These practices finally offered me a path to understanding the inner workings of my own mind and created space for me to learn a new way of operating in this world. Having mindful awareness in my life has opened me up in the most profound and inexplicable ways!”

– Treasure Milinovich

Say YES to YOU!
12 Lessons Designed to inspire
Mindful Awareness in your Daily Life

Building Mindful Awareness is a key piece in the Awakening of your heart to the truth of who you really are and why you are really here. Understanding the process and the workings of the mind with simple and attainable practices will offer you a clear path to breaking through the habitual patterns and reactions that you may have been experiencing for a lifetime. With these 12 lessons you will learn the foundational practices of Mindfulness. An ancient, scientifically proven meditation practice that is incredibly simple and practical. You will learn how to incorporate the practice of mindful awareness into your daily life to experience the most profound benefits. Learning how to tap into and hear the still, quiet voice within will unlock deeper understanding and wisdom bringing you a peace and freedom that you may not even know is possible at this point in your journey.

In this free online offering Treasure shares the fundamentals of living life from a place of Awareness. We will be starting with the foundational principles of Mindfulness Meditation and expanding into a deeper practice and uncovering of what you may be holding onto that is keeping you from experiencing peace and freedom from the modifications of the Mind Space.

Some things we will explore together:

  • The Breath & Mindfulness
  • Mindfulness of the Body
  • Understanding & Working with Emotions
  • Identifying Habitual Patterns of Your Mind
  • Self-Love
  • Forgiveness
  • Loving-Kindness
  • Grace

Treasure serves as a guide as you explore and activate Mindfulness into your daily life with ease. This approach to developing the habit of mindfulness was created through the lens of a busy life, finding the crevices within your day to insert practice so that it can best serve you in the ways you need. The recommendations and practices shared are short and simple.

Each lesson will assist to inspire you to take action in creating Mindful Awareness with recorded practices to implement throughout your week. The program is designed for you to work at your own pace learning to follow your own internal guidance of what is working best for you and how long to stay with a particular practice.

This program is FREE for you! Blessings on your journey.

With Love, Treasure

What Our Clients Say...

Thank you so much for sharing your journey, wisdom, experience & practice.  It is through what you share with me that I am able to understand for myself & share with others. It is truly an honor to work with you.  Just what I need when I need it. In pops Treasure with another practice/lesson in this Mindfulness Program. And not just the practice & program but how you move through your everyday & share the human-ness of it all.
In years past, therapy had been part of my life. But it had been years since I had really focused on my own mental health and spirit. With Treasure leading, I made the effort to quiet my Busy Brain. Lack of mindfulness. Inability to stay present in my own life.  Finally, to regain my everyday gratefulness and the pursuit to be Awake.
A very important tool I have now is the method to quiet my Busy Brain. When some distressing memory flies into my mind, I now have the tools to look at it.  Contemplate. Then, release. Everyday, gratefulness is my first thought in the morning and the last thought at night. To be mindful of myself as well as others is a constant. I accept that I deserve to care for and about myself.  This is a tough one to keep front and center.  So, the work continues. This thought gives me much pleasure.  I am a work in progress.
What can I say except Thank You.  I feel like a completely different person now that I have this awareness of mindfulness throughout my day!