Many years ago, I encountered a simple yet profound truth—the true meaning of the word sin.

Sin originates from an archery term, meaning “to miss the mark.” That realization shifted something deep within me. For so long, this word had been heavy with shame, burdened by centuries of interpretation that equated it with evil, wrongness, and separation from the divine. But what if it simply means that? To miss the mark.

How freeing it is to know that missing the mark isn’t a condemnation—it’s a moment of learning.

When we miss the mark in life, we aren’t condemned to some eternal punishment. Instead, we create karma—energetic imprints that ripple through our field. This karma isn’t a reflection of our true essence. It’s not who we are at the core. Our divine I Am Presence remains untouched, pure, and whole. But when we stray from that alignment—when we forget who we are—we generate suffering, both for ourselves and for others.

This suffering takes form in the stories we tell ourselves:

“I should have known better.”

“I’m not good enough.”

“I always mess things up.”

Judgments. Self-criticism. The mind spins its web, tightening the grip of shame and keeping us trapped in cycles of self-sabotage.

But here’s the deeper invitation: to quiet the mind and open the heart.

In the stillness, we remember.

We remember that we are not our mistakes. We are not our karma. We are not the stories passed down through generations or the beliefs shaped by society. We are something far more expansive—limitless, divine, connected.

And in that remembrance, something miraculous happens.

We surrender.

Surrender isn’t defeat; it’s a softening into the flow of life. It’s the release of control—of the need to plan every step, to hold onto desires, to cling to old narratives. It’s a return to trust.

In surrender, joy finds us. Bliss finds us. Unity becomes not just a concept, but a lived experience.

And then, the universe responds.

It conspires on our behalf in ways both subtle and profound. The right people appear. Resources align. Inspirations flow. Solutions arise—often just when we need them most. Life becomes less about striving and more about receiving, less about pushing forward and more about allowing.

But here’s the most beautiful truth of all:

Once the heart opens—even if just a crack—it can never fully close again.

No matter the struggles you face.

No matter the heartaches that come.

No matter how lost you might feel.

That opening remains. A doorway back to yourself.

And you will return. Again and again. Because once you’ve glimpsed the depth of your own divine nature, you can never truly forget it.

This is the journey—missing the mark, remembering, surrendering, and returning.

Over and over.

And each time, you come home a little more whole.

Many Blessings,
