Awaken the Bliss that resides within your own Being. Waiting and quietly calling out to be seen, felt and remembered.

When you remember your own true nature, apart of you awakens through most beautiful and profound experiences. Whispering into your heart the love, guidance and freedom you may have been seeking for a lifetime. You are empowered to move beyond the fear, doubt and hesitancy; rising up as the powerful, spiritual being that YOU ARE.


Travel the realms of consciousness with Divine Spirit.  Allow for Surrendered Trust as Universal Life Force supports and guides your healing and awakening into the experience of bliss.  Be prepared to Let Go and Let Spirit move through you.

In Treasure’s signature offering she will work as a guide and a partner in your own journey of reclaiming Wholeness and Well-BEING.  This unique work was born out of Treasure’s own Spiritual Realization.  In this powerful and potent time together Treasure will serve as a conduit into the spiritual realm to assist in traveling deep within to uncover and remember the truth of YOU.  If you are experiencing pain, physically, emotionally or mentally this work dives deep into traumas and pain within the subconscious realm of healing.

Through conscious & intuitively guided conversation, ancient coded healing chant, sound and hands on clearing work Universal Life Force will move through removing that which no longer serves you and filling you with a sense of love, contentment and connection.  As you receive and continue to break through the illusions that ego mind has created you are met with a deeper understanding of Your Truth uncovered and remembered in Your Way.

“As we dive deeper into the Self we are met with our true nature in Oneness with All That Is. As we remember our natural state of being; Bliss and Love are revealed. Once you experience this within your Self you are set on the path to your own awakening.”



In this unique and powerful practice Treasure gently guides through somatic movement & breath encouraging and reminding you to listen to the innate wisdom of your own body.  This group offering is a beautiful gift providing an opportunity for us to practice together, holding and weaving our energy for release, surrender and trust.


Often times on our journey of Healing, Remembering and Awakening we are simply in need of a fellow traveler to hold space with us and allow time to be seen and heard with absolute love and honor.   This is a donation offering.


Treasure is committed to the service of her work by offering several affordable ways to experience this powerful and transformative awakening work. Several times a month she offers opportunities in an intimate or larger group setting to BE with Ananda.


Treasure offers private energetic attunements for those that have already been practicing Reiki and are looking to go deeper and for those that are new to energetic healing however feel the call to provide this powerful healing for Self, Loved Ones or Clients.

A Message of Love.

It is my greatest honor and privilege to walk with others in their own journey. After nearly 25 years on my own Spiritual Journey I have come to a place of deep love for humanity and due to my own personal traumas and struggles in life I hold within my heart an understanding for so many of life’s challenges. It is in the breaking through of our own pain where we are gifted with the ability to hold space for others in the way I am able. I humbly serve as a loving mirror of what is possible when you commit to your own Healing & Remembering. Living each day with an Awakened Heart and boldly stepping forward into a New Way of thinking and BEING in and for this world. I am here for YOU.

“It is within the quiet of your own heart that you will be met with a deeper wisdom, knowing, understanding and love that you may have never known before. This I know to be true.”

stay connected

If you are interested in receiving Spiritual Guidance and Inspirations from Treasure “subscribe” here.  She regularly shares writings and videos to help support and guide the Spiritual Journey.

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What Clients Say...

“My time spent working with Treasure at The Space has truly been life changing. After trying the usual “conventional” methods to find healing with little success, I found myself walking into this beautiful gift called “The Space” not knowing what to expect. Upon meeting with Treasure for a consultation, I felt an immediate shift in energy. So much so that I could feel a ball of energy that rose in my throat and dissipated into a feeling of peace, love and acceptance. I knew I was right where I was meant to be. Treasure’s gift of spiritual guidance and energy/sound healing has opened my world up and freed me on so many levels. I am incredibly grateful for Treasure and look forward to learning and sharing this wonderful journey with her and everyone at The Space.  Thank you with all my heart and spirit.”

“The Space and my time with Treasure has been exactly what I needed, exactly when I neede it.  She has been guiding me through personal sessions where I have rediscovered a love for myself that I’d lost.  Her healing hands and connection with the Divine is unparalleled and I could not be more grateful for her time and talent.”
“I am in awe & gratitude for your guidance, commitment, humor, grace & support. It has been truly remarkable.  More than I could possibly have imagined & yet you know that I knew this was meant to be. It was my intention to work with you as my mentor & teacher. This connection has been my lifeline.”

“My work with Treasure has allowed me to, literally, dive deep into my mind, heart and soul.  In years past, therapy had been part of my life. But it had been years since I had really focused on my own mental health and spirit.

A major element of this work is the Spiritual element provided by Treasure, this allowed the perfect environment to connect to my spirit and those of my loved ones.”

“Finding Treasure has been a blessing in my life.  I am more focused and my self-confidence has drastically shifted for the better.  I’m grateful that my journey brought me to her.”

“Treasure is a shining light of love, acceptance and healing. The time I spent with her was filled with awareness and clarity. I absolutely loved my session and value the insight that was gained.”
“I have had the privilege of having multiple private sessions at the Space with Treasure. Each session has provided me with the relaxation and energy healing to experience deep healing. The space has an atmosphere of safety and peace that allows for nothing less than magic to happen. Treasure has such a gift in connecting to your deepest desires to be free and at peace.”
“The Space and my time with Treasure has been exactly what I need and exactly when I need it. She has been guiding me through personal sessions where I have rediscovered a love for myself that I’d lost. Her healing hands and connection with the Divine is unparalleled, and I could not be more grateful for her time and talent.”
“I had a wonderful healing energy session with Treasure. It was the most beautiful experience that I could ever expect. I came out of the session feeling like my soul had been hugged and just a great feeling of love and peace. She is one beautiful soul and I am extremely thankful for the gift that she is sharing with the world.”